
As a librarian, administrator and/or decision-maker in the library it is important for you to review the e-library access and usage on a regular basis. The dashboard lets you do exactly that by providing you an instant real-time overview of the e-library usage, connected users, registrations, logins, content views, resources popularity...

We believe that the usage information is critical to the success of any library, and therefore we constantly improve our analytic tools to provide you with the best system that helps you make decisions based on facts and evidence.

The dashboard page is usually divided into several sections related to logins, registrations, content views, user popularity, and content popularity by publisher/type, user rating results...

Each section has also a set of links next to the chart area that lets you view the detailed information.

You want to see who is currently logged in the e-library for example. That is easy; just click on the link “Logins

The same approach is used for all other dashboard sections; any link will show you the detailed listing and information.

Please log in now and start going through the dashboard information, sure you will love it!

Figure 1

For further help, watch this video: https://support.techknowledge.ae/support/solutions/articles/6000234470-statistics-dashboard